Yusuke Oono


Yusuke Oono is the principal architect and founder of DOMINO ARCHITECTS. He is also the creator of 360°BOOK, a panoramic 3D book that opens and expands into a dynamic circle of pages. As an architect, he attempts to connect both design practice and theory to history and context. His work considers the link between information and matter, digital and analog, high- and low- tech.


If you could recommend 3 books to anyone, what would they be?


There are many pieces of architecture which I like, but the one that inspired me the most is Frank Gehry’s Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao. I was still in high school when I first saw this museum in this book, and I was shocked by its complexity compared to any other building I have thus far seen. It also gave me a strong impression that architecture can be this liberal. The appeal of this architecture is fully portrayed through the beautiful photographs by Yukio Futagawa. 

This book is definitely one of the reasons why I have decided to pursue my career as an architect, and I was lucky enough to encounter this book when I was young. I recommend this book to all young people who have an interest in any kind of design or creation.


FICCIONES by Jorge Luis Borges

“The Library of Babel” in this anthology is a short story about a library that contains all books that have ever been published. Meaning, even the story “The Library of Babel” that you are currently reading belongs to this library. Even the author Borges comments that this story is already something that is written. The world he depicts always has such an overlap of fiction and reality. 

When I design, I always consider including playful spirits such as “fictional reality” or “realistic fiction” through various methods. I believe anyone that is a “fantasizing realist” or a “realistic romanticist” would love this book.


I PRELIBRI by Bruno Munari

I PRELIBRI is a collection of 12 small “books”. No one can “read” them because there are no words, however it is binded like a book. When I first encountered this work of Bruno Munari’s, I noticed that the world is filled with items that are yet to be given any specific name (general noun). We learn something new and know many names day to day and extend our world. 

Nevertheless, I would like to be equally sensitive to items/emotions that do not yet have a name and even create such items/emotions by myself. My 360°BOOK series was inspired by this masterpiece.


What are you reading now?


Álvaro Siza Vieira is one of my favorite architects, and I visited many of his works when I was working in Portugal. During those visits, I took a very long time in speculating the details of his works, asking questions like “Why is this window shaped as is?” or “Why is this roof this low and deep?” as if I were reading through a mystery novel. In this book, Kenneth Frampton visits Siza’s works and has a conversation with Siza instead of me. Frampton is a top-notch listener and this is proved by Siza’s graceful responses to Frampton’s questions. The beautiful book design by Mainstudio is also notable.


What is your favourite bookstore or library?

Books Read By

Books Read By is a catalogue in the service of a greater reading culture. Founded by Anonymous in 2020, the site explores the reading habits of inspiring people (founders, leaders, makers, and everyone in between). Each survey is an intimate look into the books that have shaped and changed them.


Luna Ikuta

